Genie Brown Joslin Claim

I am a psychotherapist in private practice. I have a Masters degree from the University of Houston, I am a Licensed Profession Counselor and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of Texas. I am a Certified Imago Relationship Therapist and have been trained as a Getting the Love you Want Workshop presenter. Imago Relationship Therapy is a communication theory at the heart of all relationships. I work with individuals and couples using this theory and modalities. I approach counseling from where people are in their issues. Most people start therapy in crisis. I believe it is important to give them tools to use before they leave the first session. I am LGBT friendly and also work with adolescents and their parents. I am a direct and and involved therapist. I see my job as facilitating my clients work. I tend to be relaxed and often use humor when appropriate. Humor makes us feel better chemically and normalizes our experiences, without minimizing. Contact me at:

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