Tina-Rix Claim

What led me into this line of work was my own past trauma and abuse I faced as a child and adolescent against my own will. In my late teens I realized I wanted to help others overcome struggles, trauma, losses, and hardships in life, as I was navigating through mine and learning how to overcome my own. Now lets fast forward to present day. My desire is to professionally assist you and your loved ones in metaphorically turning your misfortune into a great fortune, and your losses into substantial gains that only you can fully understand and appreciate when it’s all said and done becasue you will be the one looking back say, “I did it! I made it to the other side of the mountain!” It takes work, but you can do it. That change you desire begins with you. Say good bye to your old way of living, shift out of your old ways of approaching life, discover your strength, and begin your Better Path Today! Contact me at: https://www.betterpathcounseling.com/contact-us

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